ISIS — ‘If It Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit’

SimpsonOriginally posted at American Thinker.

Barack Obama steadfastly refuses to identify radical Islam as the driving force behind the mayhem massacring its way through the Middle East and nearing Europe with an eye toward America. With shovels in hand, blades sharpened, and petrol cans filled to the brim, it feels as if the enemies of all that is good and holy have been given an unspoken approbation to accomplish their malevolent ends.

The most disturbing thing about that scenario is that approval to do so has been subtly granted by a malicious president whose lack of outspoken condemnation can only be interpreted as unspoken commendation.

The only way to describe how infuriating and confusing the current state of affairs is in America is to imagine how it would feel to be in a courtroom with a serial killer who murdered someone you love. Then imagine hearing the judge, without explanation, slam down the gavel, drop all the charges, and allow the killer to go free. After hearing the judge’s verdict, then imagine the psychopath turning, locking eyes with you, winking, and giving the stunned courtroom an evil grin.

Although a harsh comparison, it’s not so far-fetched when discussing the lack of castigation Barack Obama has expressed for serial killers such as Kermit Gosnell, the late-term abortion doctor who snipped the spinal cords of full-term, born-alive babies in his Philadelphia clinic.

In Obama’s world, beheading whimpering babies’ in the name of choice is apparently an acceptable activity.

On the international level, the president, no fan of Israel, has also refused to condemn Palestinian terrorists who threw a Molotov cocktail at a car full of Israelis merely because they were Jewish. Sitting in a seat of self-exalted judgment, Obama is also perversely tepid in his criticism of Iran, a nation that has made it clear that once secret negotiations with the White House are complete and they have the bomb they’ve been dreaming of, they will immediately commence attempting to wipe the Jewish nation off the face of the earth.

If one observes closely, Obama’s opinion is made evident not only in what he says, but in what he doesn’t say.

Already proving that if he can sully the reputations of political enemies, law enforcement officials, crusading right-wing extremist “bitter clinger” Christians, or land-grabbing Israeli Jews, Obama is more than willing to have his gavel come down on the side of the guilty.

Yet if the opportunity arises to condemn the alleged killer of innocent Muslims or to presume innocence based solely on race or ethnicity, Obama can be counted on to seize it.

Meanwhile, 21 Coptic Christians were martyred on a Libyan beach and Barack Hussein took almost four days, $2.5 million, and a completed golf trip to acknowledge that the blood that seeped into the sand and sea flowed from the headless bodies of ‘People of the Cross.’

As for the Jews killed in a Paris market, Obama referred to them as a “bunch of folks in a deli in Paris… randomly” shot to death by “a bunch of violent vicious zealots.”

For most, it’s disheartening that the President of the United States reduces murdered Jews to “a bunch of folks in a deli” and turns their executioners, shouting “Allahu Akbar,” into “a bunch of violent vicious zealots.”

Therefore, irate would be a mild term to describe the indignation many Americans feel as injustices are meted out over and over again by a president whose philosophical leaning seems to be to exonerate the guilty at the expense of the innocent.

And as inexplicable an attitude as that might be to some, while referring to another famous murder trial in a 2008 interview on ABC Barack Obama gave a glimpse into the reason he refuses to condemn the likes of genocidal jihadists and instead chooses to disparage our ally Israel and write friendly letters to the Ayatollah of Iran.

On ABC’s “Nightline”, then-candidate Obama spoke to Terry Moran about race relations and said this:

You remember when, during the O.J. trial… black and white culture just had these completely opposite reactions and nobody understood it. I’m somebody who was pretty clear that O.J. was guilty.

So the president thought it was “pretty clear that O.J. was guilty.”

But then Obama admitted:

And I was ashamed for my own community to respond in that way, but I also understood what was taking place, which was that reaction had more to do with a sense that somehow the criminal justice system historically had been biased so profoundly that a defeat of that justice system was somehow a victory.

How’s that for insight into why President Obama, in the name of fair-mindedness, has habitually been on the side of unfairness for the last six years?

The president seemed to say that although shameful, the black community’s reaction to the O.J. verdict was justified and his acquittal was some kind of recompense for a justice system that has been “historically biased.” So according to Barack Obama’s twisted sense of social justice, a butcher who nearly beheaded two people successfully beating the justice system and getting away with murder is a victory against profound historical bias.

So when Barack Obama writes in an op-ed regarding the White House Summit on Violent Extremism that terrorists whose religion he refuses to name have “legitimate grievances” against those he views as oppressors, his shameful non-reaction to beheading, shooting, burning, and threatening to unleash a nuclear bomb on Israel starts to make sense.

It also explains why, just like irrelevant shrunken gloves took center stage at the O.J. trial, while Islamic terrorists burn 45 Kurds alive in cages, domestic terrorists and homegrown violent extremists are being talked about at yet another useless White House “summit.”

Clearly, what’s at work here is that, in Barack Obama’s mind, Judaism and Christendom, in all their white and oftentimes European glory, have always been biased against Islam.  Therefore, regardless of how much barbarism and blood is required to defeat those powerful institutions, with a wink and an evil grin an arrogant Barack Obama believes that ISIS, like O.J., merits a belated victory.


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